In recent decades, mindfulness and meditation have become popular catch-words, described as the newest pathway to healing in everything from professional journals to pop psychology columns in fashion magazines. The concept of present-centered awareness, though a component of most ancient philosophies and religions, seems to be a experiencing a heroic comeback. Why now? Is it
Dr. Peters earned a joint BA/BS from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master Degree and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She joined the Hazelden staff in 2006 and served as a Psychologist in the addiction units and as a faculty member of the addiction studies graduate school. Dr. Peter’s academic and clinical interests include assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of addiction and co-occurring disorders, multicultural counseling, and mindfulness based cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies. She has a particular interest in assessment of treatment center capacity to treat various addiction related disorders though the application of the Dual Diagnosis Capability in Addiction Treatment (DDCAT) Assessment.
Website: Annie Peters has written 1 article so far, you can find it below.