Why People Get Addicted To Painkillers

Many don’t understand why people suffer from pain killer addiction. Unfortunately, this can make them unsympathetic to the condition of addiction that creeps up on patients who have legitimate prescriptions for pain. Sadly, many patients who are prescribed painkillers find themselves addicted just like illicit drug users and desperately need help. What is Pain Killer

Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

tree in the shape or a head with leaves blowing

Diseased or degenerate? Perceptions about the nature of substance use disorders hindered treatment for generations by stigmatizing dependency as the product of a weak will. Such perceptions limited availability to treatment. It also made those who were suffering hesitant to come forward until their problem reached crisis proportions. Is addiction a disease or a choice?

The Process of Alcohol Rehab: A Guide Through Addiction Treatment

Going into alcohol rehab is not a “one and done” process. Recovery is a lifelong pursuit that requires dedication and commitment to a better life through sobriety. In the beginning, you’ll focus on detox and rehab. However, when you go into aftercare or independent recovery maintenance, you’ll need to remember that the process continues. Types

Alcohol Rehab Centers: Which Rehab? How Long? What about My Job?

highway sign that reads "sobriety next exit"

Alcohol rehab centers provide the most effective way to end alcohol addiction. The solution to alcohol dependence begins in a quality rehab center that includes alcohol detox and rehab in the same treatment center. Beyond detox, rehab programs will help you learn to live without alcohol while treating the physical, psychological and emotional effects of

Believe Me

Believe me. I might not come out and tell you I’m being abused, but I will give you signs. I will stop coming to family gatherings. I will tell you I’m sad or depressed. I might have bruises; however, they will likely be where no one can see them. I might lose or gain weight.

How to Make Your Family Work

Lately several families have inquired how to help their families work. By work they are asking how to have a well-adjusted, healthy family. Many people in today’s modern world want to know how to deal with blended families, divorced families, one parent families, or families of different faiths, to name just a few examples. These