Females Account for Two-Thirds of Intentional Poisonings

zoomed in on the feet of men and women standing at a bar

Females Account for Two-Thirds of Intentional Poisonings


Intentional poisoning
Date rape drugs common cause of intentional poisonings

In a report released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in November, 2011 a staggering 14,720 people were admitted to emergency rooms from intentional drug related poisoning. 63 percent of those admitted were females.

Alcohol was a factor in 60 percent of these intentional poisonings. Marijuana, stimulants, cocaine and Ecstasy accounted for another 30 percent of admissions. Drugs such as pain relievers, benzodiazepines, and anxiety prescriptions were also present. 6 out 10 visits attributed to poisoning with alcohol and other illicit drugs.

The scary truth behind these statistics is that women are being targeted for sexual abuse or violence. These behaviors are happening at bars, raves, parties and concerts. Substances are offered and used without women thinking twice about what they are taking or mal intent behind an offer.

Women should be circumspect about drinking freely and partying with those they do not know. It was estimated that in 2009, 3 million women were victims of drug-facilitated rape in their lifetime.

The drugs used to incapacitate women are added to tobacco, marijuana, and drinks without being detected. These drugs can cause a woman to be paralyzed, often unable to speak and come out of the experience without a clear memory of events. The drug itself will metabolize quickly and generally not show up on a drug screening. Drug abuse prevention education can help minimize these risks to women.