Masters of Disguise: High-Functioning Addicts
Masters of Disguise: High-Functioning Addicts
You may think that you have your life under control. You go to work, you live in a nice home with your family and have friends by the loads, but looks can be deceiving. Addiction can be destroying you from the inside out. Learn to spot the signs of a high-functioning addict before it’s too late.
Can You Be A High-Functioning Addict?
High-functioning addicts don’t fit the usual stereotype of an addict. They are can be executives, doctors, lawyers and other successful professionals. Sometimes they are the soccer moms that are juggle children, husband and a spotless home. When it comes down to it, addiction can affect anyone from every walk of life. The difference is that some people seem to lead a convincing life, but their dark secret is a time bomb. Sooner or later their addiction catches up to them.
Signs of a High-Functioning Addict
- Denial: If you are a high-functioning addict, you have a lot of people fooled, including yourself. When friends and family fail to spot your addiction problem, it fuels your denial. You may rationalize your addiction because you:
- Have been able to juggle your responsibilities so far
- Don’t use drugs or alcohol every day
- Have not gotten in trouble yet
You may also feel that you are entitled to use drugs or alcohol because you work so hard. This type of thinking is flawed and does nothing but make your addiction problem grow until your life spirals out of control.
- Health or Behavior Changes: You may be trying your best to cover up, but drugs and alcohol are powerful substances. They will start taking a toll on your body as much as you try to fight it. Some physical symptoms of drug or alcohol use are:
- Insomnia
- Shakiness/tremors
- Sudden weight loss or weight gain
- Deterioration of physical appearance
- Deteriorating health
Addiction affects you physically and also affects your behavior in different ways such as:
- Change in attitude or personality
- Sudden mood swings
- Paranoia
- Engaging in risky behavior
- Missing deadlines at work
- Missing family functions or not spending time with your family
- Excuses, Excuses: As a high-functioning addict, you may be able to convince others easily, especially if you have made mistakes or have shown unusual behavior. Justifying your behavior to yourself and others buys you time to continue to use. However, the excuses eventually run out and you will be faced with a big problem that you can’t excuse.
- Double Life: You are used to leading a double life. Everyone sees the responsible person who has it all together, but the other life you lead is quite different. The other life you lead is filled with the anxiety and obsession of getting the next high or buzz. You are controlled by intense cravings for drugs or alcohol. The tasks of lying and deceit can be exhausting and can make you feel shame and loneliness. This double life you lead will catch up to you.
Although you are keeping up the façade, it is only a matter a time before the cracks start to show. Seeking treatment at Learn the signs to spot a high functioning addict is the way to help you out of the mess. Recovery Connection will link you to an addiction rehab facility that will provide you with the personalized care you need. Learn the skills that will help you manage your cravings and triggers. You don’t have to live in the chains of addiction. Let Recovery Connection lead you to the road of recovery.