

The Mississippi state page provides you with a quick overview of issues relating to drug and alcohol addiction, substance abuse statistics Mississippi, and MS drug rehab centers.

It should be noted that these substance abuse statistics in Mississippi are not intended as an academic reference. The data collected is from State and Federal sources.

Mississippi Addiction Treatment Statistics

Across all survey years, Mississippi has ranked among the 10 States with the lowest rates of past year alcohol dependence or abuse for all age groups. Rates of past year drug dependence have been more variable across time, and in 2005-2006 Mississippi ranked among the 10 States with the highest rate for individuals age 26 and older. Approximately 6% of Mississippi residents reported past-month use of illicit drugs; the national average was 8%.

Approximately 6% of Mississippi residents reported past-month use of illicit drugs; the national average was 8%.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health’s (NSDUH) most recent survey (2006) in Mississippi including non-medical use of prescription drugs found that 6.39% of Mississippi residents reported using illicit drugs in the past month. The national average was 8.02%. Additionally, 3.08% of Mississippi residents reported using an illicit drug other than marijuana in the past month (the national average was 3.58%).

According to the 2006 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services, the number of treatment facilities in Mississippi was 112.

Alcohol Addiction in Mississippi

In 2009, there were 1,244 people admitted to alcohol rehab for only alcohol dependence and another 1,368 who were admitted for addiction to alcohol combined with a secondary drug.

Commonly Abused Drugs in Mississippi

259 individuals were admitted to treatment for cocaine use in 2009. 61% of those people were male.


Marijuana is the most commonly cited drug among primary drug treatment
admissions in Mississippi with 1, 481 people being admitted into treatment in 2009. Of this number, 70.4% of these people were male and 29.6% were female. The largest age group using marijuana was reported to be 21-25 years of age.

prescription-drugs-thumbnailPrescription Drugs
According to the 2009 TEDS report,  people admitted to drug rehab for substance abuse for opiates other than heroin was 655. Of this number, 50.1% were male and 49.9% were female.

Mississippi Drug and Alcohol Fatalities, Injuries and Drug Court Statistics

As a direct consequence of drug use, 334 persons died in Mississippi in 2007. This number is compared to the number of persons who died from motor vehicle accidents (914) and firearms (535) in the same year.

The number of meth lab seizure incidents in the state of Mississippi increased 334% from 155 incidents in 2007 to 673 incidents in 2009, according to data from the El Paso Intelligence Center’s National Seizure System (EPIC-NSS).

Since the July 2010 implementation of a state law to limit pseudoephedrine (PSE) precursor chemicals to prescription-only status, Mississippi meth lab seizures have decreased according to Mississippi state officials.

The rate of drug-induced deaths in Mississippi is lower than the national average.

Mississippi Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources

Looking For Treatment?

If you are struggling with alcohol and/or drugs, help is available. Recovery Connection has many years of experience providing assistance to addicts and their family members find a way to break the bondage of addiction. Call our 24/7 day a week helpline at 866.812.8231 now. Find the solution to many of your problems in treatment. Call now. All calls are confidential.

24/7 all conversations are confidential

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