What Is An Intervention?
Intervention Definition: an organized group process designed to help another person recognize and change self-destructive feelings, addictions, or behaviors.
The goal of an intervention is to confront the person in a non-threatening way. The approach focuses on helping the individual see the personal impact of their alcohol or other drug use as well as the impact on others.
Interventions generally involve close friends and family who have prepared themselves to respectfully talk with the person engaging in substance abuse or other harmful behaviors. Every person involved in the intervention shares non-triggering information about the behaviors in question, including how they are affected by the subject's behaviors.
The goal of an intervention is for the self-destructive person to listen and to accept help.
Should I Perform an Intervention?
An intervention can be a helpful tool when a family member, colleague or friend is resistant to addressing his or her drinking or drug problem.
At one time there was an attitude that people couldn't be helped until they "hit bottom," but that thinking has changed. Many people who are resistant to change but enter addiction treatment due to an intervention do very well.
Help with an Intervention
If you call Recovery Connection to request an intervention, you will be encouraged to talk with a counselor first, as oftentimes a formal intervention is not necessary. However, there are times when a professional intervention is advisable. The company that powers Recovery Connection (Lakeview Health) does not have interventionists on staff, but we can provide you with information and contacts for professionals that can tell you how to do an intervention.
It’s painful to have a loved one who is addicted to drugs and alcohol-especially if they’re in denial about their addiction, or refuse to get help.
An intervention by family and friends can be one of the most effective ways to get someone into treatment. While deciding to intervene can be a difficult step to take, once it’s over you’ll feel a great sense of relief, knowing that your loved one is getting the help he or she needs.
How To Do An Intervention
It’s important to seek professional guidance before starting an intervention. There are professional interventionists who can help. Before hiring one, be sure to explain your situation thoroughly, and ask plenty of questions, including:
- What is your educational background?
- What kind of certification do you have?
- What style or model of intervention do you use?
- How much will it cost?
- What treatment facilities are you familiar with?
- Have you dealt with a situation like ours before?
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