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6 Reasons to Surround Yourself with Sober People While In Recovery

hammock friends hanging out

During recovery, you will make lots of new friends who will help you stick to your goals. While letting go of negative influences during your first stage of treatment was hard, you are now ready to embrace meeting new people who support your belief in sobriety. Among the many friends you will meet are those

4 Ways to Use Affirmations – The Power of Positive Thinking

I am Affirmation

In AA, someone believed in affirmations and we started saying, “My name is ­­­­____, and I’m an alcoholic.” If you affirm anything long enough and often enough then our conscious, unconscious and subconscious minds begin to believe it.  When I said by rote at the beginning of my sobriety “I’m an alcoholic,” a part of

Evolving in Sobriety

hands around five growing plants

Evolving in Sobriety “Oh…my…f*cking…God!” I had only heard my wife that alarmed one other time. We had just started dating when she called late one night to tell me a large spider was trapped in her apartment. I had initially assumed her “large spider” was probably nothing more than a normal-sized spider. Upon arriving I

A Mindful Sobriety

Yoga - Tree Pose

In recent decades, mindfulness and meditation have become popular catch-words, described as the newest pathway to healing in everything from professional journals to pop psychology columns in fashion magazines. The concept of present-centered awareness, though a component of most ancient philosophies and religions, seems to be a experiencing a heroic comeback. Why now? Is it

How Finding My Passion Has Helped Me Stay Sober for 8 Years

man in baseball cap at fence

How Finding My Passion Has Helped Me Stay Sober for 8 Years   Addiction is a life wasted. Sobriety is that life reversed, turned around. Not a quote, my words.   My name is Andy and the last eight and a half years of my life have been sober ones. It hasn’t been easy, to say