Other Addictions
Sex addiction, gambling addiction, pornography addiction, and other types of process addictions, are accompanied by changes in brain chemistry much like those of drug or alcohol addiction. These changes to the brain’s reward system make these other addictions dangerous and hard to overcome without proper treatment.
Sex addiction, gambling addiction, and pornography addiction all have serious negative consequences. Addicted individuals may experience the destruction of personal relationships, job loss, or financial instability. Further, it is not uncommon for one to have a process addiction in conjunction with an alcohol or drug addiction and other mental health issues.
Sex Addiction and Treatment
Sex addiction is the inability to control sexual impulses, even if the impulses become self-harming. Learn more about the all-consuming need to have sex associated with sex addiction and how it can put an individual at risk for personal, health, financial, and legal problems.
Pornography Addiction and Treatment
Pornography addiction is the obsessive need to view sexually enticing images. Pornography addictions can be detrimental to an individual’s personal relationships, career, and finances.
Gambling Addiction and Treatment
Gambling addiction is the compulsive need to bet. Information is provided regarding the fact that those with a gambling addiction feel an all-consuming need to bet and have difficulty stopping this behavior without the appropriate treatment.