Addiction Recovery Guides
Addiction Recovery Guides
Welcome to Recovery Connection’s addiction and recovery web guide directory. We understand that many considerations go into finding a treatment facility that is appropriate for you or your loved one. We have developed a series of addiction recovery guides that address issues confronting specific demographics.
These guides are free of charge and are readily available for download. At any time while you are reading one of our online addiction recovery books, you can call our hotline for help at 866.812.8231. At Recovery Connection, we are dedicated to helping people find quality drug and alcohol addiction treatment.
Addicted! And, You’re a Health Care Professional. What to do Now?
Because of misinformation and fear, many health care professionals in need of addiction treatment remain outside the therapeutic environment. They continue to live in the web of addiction with physical and/or emotional pain. This guide provides a brief overview of the issues facing the impaired health care professional and descriptions of the programs that exist to help the impaired health care professionals move into treatment and recovery.
The Intervention Guide
This guide will help you plan and conduct an intervention for a loved one struggling with drugs or alcohol. It covers: selecting the right type of intervention to have, choosing the right people to be involved, handling objections, writing effective “intervention letters,” finding a quality treatment center, and much more.
How to Choose the Right Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program
It is a big step to recognize that drugs and alcohol have taken over your life or the life of your loved one. This recognition generally leads to a crucial question - now what? This guide serves to help answer that question by educating you first on what addiction is and then discussing the things you should look for when seeking a treatment program.
What to Look For When Seeking LGBT-Friendly Addiction Treatment
This guide explains the issues you may wish to consider while choosing a quality LGBT-friendly addiction treatment program and how these issues relate directly to you as the patient and to the treatment facility. Recovery Connection is dedicated to helping all people recover from addiction.
The Family Medical Leave Act
Addiction and alcoholism are diagnosable and treatable diseases. Getting professional drug addiction treatment can make the difference between succumbing to demoralization and early death, and rebuilding your life. Since alcoholism and substance abuse are considered serious health issues that impede one’s ability to perform normal daily tasks, the provisions within the FMLA and ADA may apply.
Choosing a Quality Christian Alcohol & Drug Rehab
Research has demonstrated the power that faith provides people and its ability to heal. A key component in quality Christian addiction treatment programs is the concept that we cannot do the journey of healing and growing alone. Every aspect of treatment then is done through the lens of Christian drug rehab therapists with expertise in addiction treatment. The right treatment program combined with Christian principles and precepts can save lives.
Looking For Treatment?
Call Recovery Connection confidentially at 866.812.8231 24/7. Our staff is specially trained to answer your addiction and treatment questions and help you get into treatment to begin reclaiming your life.
24/7 all conversations are confidential.