PCP is a dangerous and highly addictive drug that has no legitimate medical use. Using PCP repeatedly can lead to many problems. You will need medical attention to treat both the addiction and PCP withdrawal symptoms.
You can stop the madness of addiction before PCP destroys your mind and your body. Treatment works! Call 866-812-8231 now and speak with a Recovery Connection coordinator. Our staff understands your needs as many are recovering addicts. Help is here. Call now.
What You Don’t Know About PCP Addiction
Phencyclidine, or PCP, is a synthetic drug developed in the 1950s for use as a surgical anesthetic. Its legitimate use was discontinued after a few years, but today PCP is produced illegally.
PCP interferes with the function of your brain and central nervous system and creates an “out of body” sensation and euphoria that leads to erratic and aggressive behaviors. After your body is addicted to PCP, you experience cravings and other consequences or drug-seeking behaviors.
You can stop the madness of addiction before PCP destroys your mind and your body. Call Recovery Connection at 866-812-8231 now and speak with an addiction specialist. Our staff understands your needs because many are recovering addicts. Help is here. Call now.
Signs That You Might Be Addicted to PCP
PCP addiction can lead you to need more of the drug to function and can change your psychological state. The symptoms of PCP addiction can generally be broken down into two classes: low-moderate abuse and high dosage abuse.
Low-moderate PCP abuse can cause:
- Increase in breathing rates
- Increase in blood pressure
- Sweating
- Loss of muscle coordination
- Delusions
- Mild hallucinations
- Euphoria
- Loss of reality
High dosage PCP abuse can cause more severe physiological and psychological changes in your body such as:
- Loss of balance
- Vomiting
- Uncontrolled eye movements
- Coma
- Seizure
- Respiratory distress
- Mania
Some of the severe complications of long-term PCP addiction are:
- Difficulty with speech
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Central nervous system damage
Don’t struggle in silence. Click here to begin a private discussion with one of our addiction specialists.
Safely Breaking Free from PCP
Getting the right treatment for PCP addiction is important because PCP can cause severe health and psychological issues.
If you stop using PCP, you will experience withdrawal symptoms that can be frightening. PCP withdrawal symptoms can occur within the first day of last use and can last for up to 3 months if you used it daily. Some of the withdrawal symptoms include:
- Depression
- Excessive sleepiness
- Poor memory
- Confused thoughts
- Increased cravings
- Anxiety
- Violent behavior
- Hallucinations
- Suicidal thoughts
- Delusions
It is important that you go to detox for PCP withdrawal to help you cleanse you body of the drug. Receiving treatment for PCP addiction from an accredited drug treatment facility immediately after detox will help you learn to manage your cravings and prepare you for life free of drugs.
PCP Addiction Treatment – Getting Help Now
Recovery Connection knows the struggles of addiction. We know how important it is to get the personalized treatment that will fit your needs. We work to connect you with an accredited drug rehab center that offers you a safe and comfortable, medically supervised detox.
Our addiction specialists have walked the same path as you, which is why they are so dedicated in helping others who struggle with addiction. Call Recovery Connection now at 866-812-8231 and start the road to recovery.
- The call is free.
- We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- We will answer your questions about getting help for your addiction.
- We find you the best rehab to match your insurance or financial ability.
Looking For Treatment?
Without treatment PCP addiction will worsen along with your health and other important aspects of your life. Call Recovery Connection now and speak with an admissions coordinator at 866.812.8231. Our coordinators are available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls are free and confidential.
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