Recovery Connection
Recovery Connection is the number one addiction help and resource center for people in all stages of recovery.
Life After Lakeview – by Thea B.
September 13th, 2021Promise #4: We will know peace. I entered Lakeview Health trying to negotiate a shorter stay than what was recommended. It wasn’t because I didn’t think I needed it – I was scared my family would learn what a horrible person I was. I felt I had to get home and control the narrative. My
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Six Strategies for Staying Connected while Socially Distancing
April 27th, 2020To protect ourselves from the coronavirus, many of us are being told to isolate indoors when possible. This poses a unique challenge for those who suffer with addiction. Isolation is sneaky and it breeds addiction. What’s important to note about social distancing is that you can rephrase it so physical distancing to make it more
Read MoreAll Emotions Welcome: Why Emotions are Okay
March 2nd, 2020There’s no such thing as good emotions and bad emotions—they’re all what makes us human. Here’s why we should reevaluate how we view and treat emotions. As a society, we don’t try to hide the simple fact that we don’t like emotions. We view them as weak, as troublesome and useless, specifically if they are
Read MoreHuman Connection is the Answer to Treating Addiction
January 14th, 2020According to Johann Hari, the author of New York Time’s bestselling book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs,” everything we have come to know about addiction is wrong. Johann Hari is one of the many people who have been affected by their loved one’s struggles with substance abuse.
Read MoreI Can be in Recovery AND be the Mom I Always Wanted to Be
January 10th, 2020There was a time where I knew I had a problem with alcohol, but I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic. I was able to go without drinking for long periods of time, I even pretended to be a “social drinker.” It wasn’t until I’d hit a drinking binge that would last for weeks at a
Read MoreWhen Your Partner is an Alcoholic
September 18th, 2019When you’ve known your partner to be someone who enjoys a few drinks now and then, even in your company, it can be difficult to face that there might be an underlying problem. Identifying whether or not your loved one has crossed the line and ventured into alcohol abuse can be the most challenging thing
Read MoreWhat Are Some Successful Intervention Strategies?
August 26th, 2019Although addiction is a complex and chronic disease, treatment is available. Despite their circumstances and past histories, many people live happy and fulfilling lives in recovery. That said, addiction treatment typically requires a blend of various emotional and physical changes. While everyone is different with what they need, certain interventions naturally tend to have higher
Read MoreWhat Does It Cost to Be a Drug Addict?
July 23rd, 2019Drug addiction is one of the most expensive lifestyles on the planet. Many drug addicts who are heavily addicted find that they’re spending more than a hundred dollars a day on the drugs that they need. Some users spend significantly more than that. However, it’s not just the financial aspect of drug addiction that can
Read MoreHow Does Meth Affect Relationships?
July 23rd, 2019Crystal methamphetamine often referred to in short-form as “meth”, is a very destructive drug that has a well-deserved, negative reputation. Crystal meth is known for causing serious and sometimes irreversible damage to people physically and mentally. When people consider meth and meth users, they often focus on the damage that the individual is likely doing
Read MoreHow can you tell if someone is doing heroin?
July 23rd, 2019Heroin is a very dangerous drug. Not only is heroin extremely addictive, it can be very risky to an individual’s life. Overdoses from heroin are becoming more and more frequent, as many drug suppliers and dealers have begun lacing heroin with fentanyl, a similar opioid with effects more than a dozen times stronger than heroin
Read MoreHow to Answer Your Loved Ones Questions About Your Alcohol Addiction
July 10th, 2019It can be hard for someone to understand your situation when they have never experienced what you have gone or are going through. With that being said, explaining addiction to someone is a wildly complicated task. When family members confront you about your alcohol addiction it can be difficult to find the right words to
Read MoreHow do you do an intervention for an alcoholic?
June 26th, 2019You’re worried nonstop. In fact, you’ve been worried for a very long time now. You’re so concerned that you’re finding it hard to focus on anything else. Someone you love is struggling with alcohol addiction, and you’re terrified that this problem is going to result in serious consequences. You’re also tired of enabling the behavior
Read MoreDrug Addiction Resources
Coping with a drug addiction is incredibly difficult for all those it affects. Recovery connection provides resources to help you understand your condition and the options you have to treat it.
Learn MoreDrug Addiction Resources
Coping with a drug addiction is incredibly difficult for all those it affects. Recovery connection provides resources to help you understand your condition and the options you have to treat it.
Learn MoreSubstance Abuse Treatment Resources
Recovery Connection is the best place to connect with the substance abuse resources you need. From drug classes and information, to learnings about interventions or potential medications, learn about how we can help!
Learn MoreRecovery Stories
Through focused treatment options and the utilization of addiction treatment resources, we can help you find a lasting recovery. The recovery stories of our alumni are proof that anyone can find a fulfilling sobriety.
Life After Lakeview – by Thea B.
September 13th, 2021Promise #4: We will know peace. I entered Lakeview Health trying to negotiate a shorter stay than what was recommended. It wasn’t because I didn’t think I needed it – I was scared my family would learn what a horrible person I was. I felt I had to get home and control the narrative. My
Read MoreI Can be in Recovery AND be the Mom I Always Wanted to Be
January 10th, 2020There was a time where I knew I had a problem with alcohol, but I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic. I was able to go without drinking for long periods of time, I even pretended to be a “social drinker.” It wasn’t until I’d hit a drinking binge that would last for weeks at a
Read MoreShannon’s Story of Recovery
May 20th, 2019Pittsburgh, PA | Sober Date: May 20, 2017 I am from a small town in western Pennsylvania and come from a middle-class family that loved and gave me whatever I would ever want or need. Like most teenagers, I kind of didn’t know who I was because I was part of many different groups of
Read MoreLearning to Love Myself While Finding Recovery
January 7th, 2019Written by: Sara Sheppard My name is Sara Sheppard, and I’m an addict. Every recovery story is unique. You might find my story particularly unique, yet even in my situation, I can see the common threads existing for all addicts. For example, the hopelessness and helplessness that occurs with each individual hitting rock bottom. Or
Read MoreUnshA(A)ckled
January 2nd, 2019Written By: Tim C. | Sobriety Date 10.28.16 I was born in central New Jersey weighing 4lbs, feet first, and a few weeks early – my mother was hoping for a girl. Naturally, I came into this world with the need to have my way. I had a normal childhood with two loving parents who were
Read MoreStarted From The Bottom
December 19th, 2018My childhood was wonderful. Although my family had its struggles, it wasn’t nearly as traumatic as some of the stories I have heard other addicts and alcoholics share. Yet, at the age of 15, we had moved to a new city and I realized I was gay, and my whole world turned upside down. I
Read MoreThe Gift of Peace in Sobriety
December 13th, 2018My name is Cassidy and I have recovered from addiction. Growing up, I was that girl who lived in a cookie-cutter suburban home, drove a BMW to school, played on the varsity basketball team, and made the honor roll each year. I am also the girl who, despite all the gifts I had in life,
Read MoreFinding the Joy We Used to Have
December 12th, 2018I remember there was morning light streaming through the window the morning I started my journey with sobriety, and the room was full of an eerie glow that made it feel like time was standing still, or like it was dawn and dusk all at the same time. I was cold and sweating and shaking,
Read MoreDying to Live: One Man’s Journey to Recovery
July 5th, 2018Three times. That’s how many times Clyde died over the last two months of his addiction. Three times. The first time Clyde was in his car, just blocks from his heroin dealer. Fortunately, a cop had stumbled along, saw Clyde slumped against the steering wheel, and broke the car window with his flashlight. Fortunate too
Read MoreIf You Are Struggling, There is Hope for Recovery
July 3rd, 2018My name is Jackie and my sobriety date is 2/13/17. It took a lifetime of chaos and misery to get to this point. I am an only child and grew up feeling like an outcast. I had the glasses, the braces and was slightly overweight. All that made me the perfect target to be bullied
Read MoreBecoming the Father I Always Wanted to Be
June 15th, 2018Addiction for me, began at a young age. Drugs and alcohol were a way fit in. I grew up in a good home with a loving mother and a step-father that came into our lives and treated me as if I was his own. My biological father was in and out of my life over
Read MoreBecoming A Sober Mom: A Mother’s Journey
May 11th, 2018My journey of recovery began when I was around sixteen-years-old. I had begun my downward spiral, which is an integral piece of my recovery, because without that bottom I would never have found the willingness to change. I began suffering consequences of my addiction at that time: strained relationships, lowered self-esteem from my actions not
Read MoreRecovery Connection’s Resources Can Help You Find the Best Rehab Program For You!
Our drug addiction resources can help you focus your search for drug treatment for aftercare resources so you get into the programs you need!