There’s no such thing as good emotions and bad emotions—they’re all what makes us human. Here’s why we should reevaluate how we view and treat emotions. As a society, we don’t try to hide the simple fact that we don’t like emotions. We view them as weak, as troublesome and useless, specifically if they are
When Your Partner is an Alcoholic
When you’ve known your partner to be someone who enjoys a few drinks now and then, even in your company, it can be difficult to face that there might be an underlying problem. Identifying whether or not your loved one has crossed the line and ventured into alcohol abuse can be the most challenging thing
How to Answer Your Loved Ones Questions About Your Alcohol Addiction
It can be hard for someone to understand your situation when they have never experienced what you have gone or are going through. With that being said, explaining addiction to someone is a wildly complicated task. When family members confront you about your alcohol addiction it can be difficult to find the right words to
How do addicts tend to behave in relationships?
Being in a close relationship with an addict can be difficult – even if you’re unaware that the person you’re seeing is addicted to drugs. Drug users are crafty and can be very good at hiding their addiction from even those who are very close to them. Unfortunately, even those drug addicts who are very
Marriage, Fatherhood, and Recovery: It’s Not Always Easy
Marriage in and of itself is not always easy, let alone when you throw addiction in the mix. When my wife and I met, it was also the beginning of a very nasty relationship with opiates. I had been using at this point for nearly ten years, and my use was all over the map.
Dating and Courtship in Recovery
“Avoid all romantic relationships for the first year of recovery” is a phrase most of us in 12 Step programs hear pretty frequently. The top two things that “take people out” are relationships and resentments. When someone gets sober they may think, “This is it! I have my alcohol and drug problem out of the