Binge Drinking on Spring Break: Where the Drinks Are March 20, 2013 Binge drinking on spring break is a common occurrence. Find out more information about alcohol, sex and the other destructive behaviors that take place during spring break in our infographic.
Cycle of Addiction
When it comes to addiction and relapse, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Lack of willpower is not the problem. Many things trigger a person to use over and over again despite the consequences. See how the cycle starts, how to end it, and for some, how it starts again.
Prescription Drug Abuse: A National Epidemic
February 13, 2012 The United States leads the world in the number of people taking addiction prescription drugs. The financial cost to the nation from prescription drug abuse and dependence is in the billions. The infographic below gives you a brief look at the profound degree of this epidemic. Indeed, according to Government reports, an
Cost of Addiction and Drug Abuse
Cost of Addiction and Drug Abuse April 24, 2013 Addiction isn’t just the problem of alcoholics and addicts. It affects everyone in the United States. We’re all paying for the widespread addiction problem and the price is pretty high. Learn more about the high cost of addiction and drug abuse in our infographic, The Cost
Drinking Games: Binge Drinking Alcohol in Disguise
December 3, 2012 When we think about drinking games we often think about teenagers, college students and lots of beer drunk in a silly fashion. But the numbers are more sobering: Even among adults, half of all alcohol is drunk in binge drinking. And for underage drinkers, that’s pretty much the only method. No matter
Clean and Sober Celebrities Infographic
February 21, 2013 For some people, death is a consequence of drug addiction and alcoholism. We have seen many celebrities lost to drug or alcohol abuse or suicide: Jim Morrison, Heath Ledger and Chris Farley, just to name a few. But what about the celebrities who were able to get through their addiction? Check out
Most Common Addictions Infographic
Do you want to know some of the most common addictions people face? Drugs and alcohol, sure, but what about your smartphone or food? I bet you didn’t realize work can be an addiction. Check out our infographic and learn about all the different ways people can become addicted and continue using despite the consequences.
The Twelve Steps of Recovery Infographic
The Twelve Steps of Recovery Infographic October 11, 2011 The 12 Steps of Recovery are considered the corner stone of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 Step programs modeled on the AA program. These steps were developed early in the growth of AA by AA members. The steps were develop to help people suffering from alcoholism
Drug Abuse and Your Body: Exposed – Infographic
Drug Abuse and Your Body: Exposed – Infographic October 11, 2011 Drugs impact every organ in the body. In this easy to read graphic, we demonstrate the impact of the most commonly abused drugs on the body’s organs and its systems. Many people who use drugs, even if they are prescribed, are unaware of how
Pregnancy and Addiction Infographic
Pregnancy and Addiction Infographic January 31, 2012 Alcoholism and drug addiction destroys lives. If you are pregnant and using you should seek help from a health care professional now. The pregnant woman’s body shares everything she consumes with the developing fetus. The risks to pregnancy from addiction are serious and the statistics are staggering, but