According to Johann Hari, the author of New York Time’s bestselling book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs,” everything we have come to know about addiction is wrong. Johann Hari is one of the many people who have been affected by their loved one’s struggles with substance abuse.
Bath Salts Banned Nationwide
Finally, legislation has been passed banning bath salts nationwide. U.S. Senator Chris Coons states in an ABC news article, “Dangerous drugs like bath salts are terrorizing our communities and destroying lives. Stricter measures must be taken to stem the growing prevalence of bath salts and other new designer drugs.” The massive attention about bath salt
The Harrowing Prevalence of Doctors Overprescribing Opiates
Are doctors in the US really overprescribing opiates? This question has been getting more attention as the spotlight on opiate addiction has widened from its focus on street heroin. There are many factors that have contributed to prescription opiates occupying more medicine cabinet space in the US, and making up a substantial portion of the
Toronto Mayor Admits Smoking Crack
Toronto Mayor Admits Smoking Crack After months of denials, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has admitted to smoking crack, in the latest chapter of a saga that puts the city’s residents in a place that seems all too familiar to loved ones of people struggling with alcohol or drugs. In May, staffers from Gawker and the
Breathtaking Facts on Prescription Painkillers
1. Prescription painkillers cause more deaths than traffic accidents. People who are prescribed a high dosage of pain medication are at a higher risk of death. In 2008, roughly 37,500 people died from the damage that is caused by long chronic prescription drug abuse. 2. 60% of young adults who abuse prescription drugs tried them
Does Rapid Opiate Detox Work?
Rapid opiate detox is a relatively new procedure used to help those with serious opiate addictions. Drug detox can be dangerous and painful, both emotionally and physically. If an addict is attempting to detox in the privacy of his or her own home, or the addict is going through outpatient drug detox, the risk
Champion Dopers
The Olympics offers a vast collection of exciting sports and the most talented athletes on Earth. What you may not know is that there are certain sports in which athletes are notorious for taking substances to boost their performance. Here are the top 10 most drug-fueled sports at the Olympics. The substances taken might surprise
Georgia Bans Synthetic Marijuana
The fight to control and outlaw synthetic marijuana is growing. In another blow to producers of the herbal mixtures (treated with chemicals that mimic the active ingredient THC), Georgia’s governor signed a bill that makes the sale of all synthetic marijuana illegal. Governor Deal is quoted as stating that there has been a dramatic “increase
Demi Lovato, Eating Disorders and Life after Drug Rehab
Recently, actress Demi Lovato discussed eating disorder and addiction treatment with Fabulous, a British magazine. Lovato entered rehab in November 2010 and is still actively working on her recovery. Constantly being in the spotlight, a consequence of being a celebrity, causes insecurities about weight that can certainly trigger an eating disorder relapse. Lovato said that
The Opioid Epidemic & The Fight Against Big Pharma
On May 9th, Democratic and Republican lawmakers from the House Energy and Commerce Oversight subcommittee grilled pharmaceutical companies over their negligent oversight of opioid distribution in Appalachia. Past and current executives from five prominent pharmaceutical companies answered questions about pill dumping in West Virginia, the state with one of the highest amounts of opioid overdose