Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal

woman sitting with doctor for an assessment for alcohol detox

  Alcoholism is a debilitating disease that is as powerful as drug addiction. Help is likely needed to stop drinking. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be eased when detoxing from alcohol occurs in a medically supervised facility. Untreated symptoms can be life threatening. It is best to transition into a treatment facility directly after you complete the

Inpatient Treatment vs. Outpatient Treatment

in-patient addiction treatment

You have finally admitted that you have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol. Now it is time to go to substance abuse treatment. The first thing to recognize in the process of choosing an alcohol or drug treatment program will depend upon your insurance coverage, should you have any. Plainly put, your insurance carrier will

How Addiction and Genetics are Related

young family holding hands walking through nature

Do you know anyone who seems to have addiction coursing through their veins? They come from a long line of alcoholics, drug addicts or gamblers, and it’s almost as if they’re destined to become addicts themselves. But is addiction genetic, learned behavior or something else entirely? Let’s explore the connection between addiction and genetics. Genetics

Surviving Going Back to School

classroom auditorium

As summer winds down, flocks of college students migrate back to their sleepy college towns and nest in their new dorm rooms for the next school year. The routine of going to class, studying, completing projects, having internships and extracurricular activities and maintaining a social life becomes overwhelming and stressful for students. Many students have

Addiction Recovery – Alcohol Abuse

Addiction Recovery – Alcohol Abuse Alcohol addiction refers to the uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. In many cases, alcohol consumption leads to impulsive behavior and it has negative effects on health and personal relationships. Alcohol addiction is difficult to overcome. It is a neurological disorder that affects the liver, heart, and nervous system. Some people with

An Online Guide to Nicotine Withdrawal

An Online Guide to Nicotine Withdrawal Nicotine is a toxic, oily liquid that is the main ingredient in tobacco leaves. Tobacco is ingested into the body by smoking, chewing, or sniffing; yet the most common way is through smoking cigarettes. Other ways include smoking pipes, chewing tobacco, and nasal tobacco. Nicotine is highly addictive and

Champion Dopers

Drugs and Olympic Sports

The Olympics offers a vast collection of exciting sports and the most talented athletes on Earth. What you may not know is that there are certain sports in which athletes are notorious for taking substances to boost their performance. Here are the top 10 most drug-fueled sports at the Olympics. The substances taken might surprise

Georgia Bans Synthetic Marijuana

The fight to control and outlaw synthetic marijuana is growing. In another blow to producers of the herbal mixtures (treated with chemicals that mimic the active ingredient THC), Georgia’s governor signed a bill that makes the sale of all synthetic marijuana illegal. Governor Deal is quoted as stating that there has been a dramatic “increase