Step one is the only step that I have to work perfectly, every single day. This step was complex for me in the beginning; I could admit that I was powerless over alcohol and other substances, I had called myself an alcoholic since middle school, but the second part challenged me. At the time, I
Powerless Over Alcohol: Giving Up My Best Friend
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol- that our lives had become unmanageable. When I read this for the first time more than two years ago, I had absolutely no idea how important this first step would be for long term recovery. They say this is the only step I have to do absolutely perfectly.
Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous: An Overview
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable. Step one is often referred to as the only step we have to do perfectly. This is the point in which we admit that we have lost all power and control over our addiction. This is the step in which we