Ecstasy: From euphoria and warm fuzzies to permanent brain changes

Ecstasy Causes Permanent Brain Changes

Ecstasy: From euphoria and warm fuzzies to permanent brain changes

Ecstasy: From euphoria and warm fuzzies to permanent brain changes

The illegal substance known as ecstasy or MDMA is commonly used as a rave club drug because it creates euphoria and feelings of warmth. A new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found evidence that ecstasy left long-lasting levels of serotonin neurotoxicity. What does that mean? According to Dr. Ronald Cowan of Vanderbilt University Medical School, “…the drug causes chronic loss of serotonin in humans.”

Serotonin, a naturally occurring chemical produced in the brain, helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, learning and memory. The study looked at the impact of the drug upon brain function and form. Using PET imaging the researchers measured changing levels of serotonin in various brain regions of women, some of whom had never used the drug. Up until this study, researchers believed that brain alterations would be temporary, but indicators led researchers looking at this study to believe that the changes may be more than temporary. Those who had used ecstasy in the past had a noticeable decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain, or an increase in the level of receptors (receptors are higher as serotonin levels decline).

Researchers were looking at what level use of ecstasy became toxic, whether genetic predispositions made one more vulnerable to toxicity, and finally, if the drug may have any therapeutic uses for PTSD and anxiety disorders associated with cancer.

Ecstasy Causes Permanent Brain Changes
Ecstasy Causes Permanent Brain Changes

Researchers agree that people should not misinterpret the process of testing for medical purposes as a signal that ecstasy is safe for recreational purposes. Ecstasy is a highly addictive drug that can lead addiction treatment in a drug rehab center.