Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness

fasd awareness day

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness

fasd awareness day
Every Drink Makes a Difference

One of the unintended consequences of alcohol abuse among women can continue for generations, in the form of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Women who drink alcohol during pregnancy risk many disabilities and behavioral problems for their babies, problems that can continue into adulthood.

FASD is a major problem, noticed for centuries but formally identified by the medical world and researched for the last 40 years.  According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 1 in 13 women drink while pregnant and about 40,000 babies are born every year with some level of FASD. This public health problem is the focus of FASD Awareness Day, which is observed every year on September 9.

Hardships and Punishment

Scientists have shed light on the consequences of drinking while pregnant. Children born with FASD encounter many problems from birth, childhood and throughout their life.

Developmental problems associated with FASD:

  • Intellectual and learning disabilities
  • Speech and language delays
  • Behavioral and emotional difficulties
  • Poor social skills

As they get older, the behavioral and learning disabilities make people with FASD vulnerable to substance abuse and to crime.  In many cases, the legal system is not set up to deal with the disabilities associated with FASD, which may put the people at risk for getting into more legal problems.

Better treatment options exist to help people with FASD; the issue is making the treatment available to them. If these people can get treatment at an early age, their quality of life can improve.

Awareness Is Key

FASD Awareness Day gives communities a chance to promote awareness of the dangers of drinking while pregnant, FASD and associated disorders. The need may be even greater this year. Recent books have caused a stir by suggesting that ‘light drinking during pregnancy is OK.’ But numerous medical organizations and the U.S. surgeon general maintain that there is no safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy and women who are pregnant should not drink at all.  With more awareness, education and prevention, more mothers can get the tools and knowledge they need to make better decisions.

Our goal at Recovery Connection is to get help to pregnant mothers before it’s too late.  We understand the special needs for women in alcohol rehab. Call us at 866-812-8231 and see how easy it is to get treatment.