Heroin Dogs: Innocent Addicts
Heroin Dogs: Innocent Addicts
Drug dealers commonly have dogs guarding their product and their place of business, but some drug dealers in Scotland are taking extreme measures to protect their illegal business. Animal shelters there reported that dogs are being injected with heroin to make them more aggressive and are trained to attack anyone in a police uniform.
The savage act of animal cruelty is more common that you think. Ian Robb, owner of the Angus Dog Shelter in Forfar, Scotland, reported that 40 percent of the dogs that were admitted into his shelter were addicted to illegal drugs such as marijuana and heroin. He reports that the dogs suffer from the effects of the drugs and are a danger to people because they are aggressive and “bouncing off the walls.” Unfortunately, these dogs must be killed to keep them from attacking people.
The drug dealers get the dog addicted to the drugs and then withhold the drugs, forcing the dog to go through heroin withdrawal. This causes the dogs to be even more aggressive and willing to do anything to please their masters in hopes of getting a “treat.” These drugs make the animals aggressive and are dangerous for the dogs’ health or even fatal.
It’s sad when man’s best friend is entangled in a web of drugs and abuse. No animal should have to endure that kind of mistreatment. These dogs don’t know that they are protecting drugs that will only cause destruction, but their loyalty to their owners and to the imposed addiction keeps them coming back.
How sad that these dogs are being forced into addiction. We would love to hear your thoughts about this matter. Share your feelings with us below.