R.O.A.M.I.N.G. In Recovery: Self-Care Tool Guide – Part 3
Early in my recovery from prescription drugs, I was exploring a variety of holistic modalities that would support me to sustain my recovery through natural and organic solutions. I continue to use all of these healing modalities every day in my third year of recovery.
The following is a list of items that you probably have around your home to stay centered, focused, balanced, and healthy or items that you can purchase online that are reasonable.
Use these suggestions as a guideline, and in parallel with my 7 steps of my R.O.A.M.I.N.G. In Addiction Recovery model.
- Notebook and pen for reflection, ongoing self-assessment, gratitude and prayer. Write down everything! I found it so freeing to get my thoughts out and written down. When I was ready to share my feelings with my Life Transitions coach. I used my journal with my coach as an outline for what I needed to talk about each week. My coach always allowed me the time to speak and to write. I never felt judged or rushed and felt very prepared with all of my thoughts and feelings written down in my journal. Also use your journal to set daily intentions and write your prayers, and then share with someone. Go back and reflect at the end of the day. How did you do? What might you do differently tomorrow? It helps me to stay centered and on task. You might also like to have an extra notebook/journal or two (or divide your notebook/journal into parts) to record what you are eating, drinking, exercise, and any symptoms or reactions to specific foods. This is a great way of determining what works for you! You can then share with your Holistic Health Counselor/Practitioner. Click here for an easy to follow daily food journal that I use with my clients! http://www.healthfulpursuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/food-journal_HP.pdf
- Scented candles are also very soothing and give me a peaceful, zen feeling. I love to smell vanilla, cinnamon, winter pine, and lavender, and do my deep breathing and meditation surrounded by candles. (Always try to use all natural candles such as Beeswax) Choose whatever scented candles that resonates with you. You can find them at the dollar store! I also enjoy my favorite music and headphones, and if you have a fireplace, it also helps to promote a warm, safe feeling. For me, all of these easily accessible home remedies quickly brings me back to balance when I am feeling off. Here is a link to some healing music. https://youtu.be/TQs5sQeoQAI. I have also used a wonderful healing technique called “Tapping” or EFT…Emotional Freedom Techniques. You may try this on your own or locate an EFT practitioner to guide you. (See my resource page for info) EFT is the marriage of ancient Chinese Acupressure, and Psychology created by Nicolas Ortner, bestselling author of “The Tapping Solution.” Recent research has shown that “EFT significantly increases positive emotions, such as hope and enjoyment, and decreases negative emotional states. EFT is particularly powerful for treating stress and anxiety because it specifically targets your amygdala and hippocampus, which are the parts of your brain that help you decide whether or not something is a threat.” https://youtu.be/zo9CMu9OZ_M.
- Use my Detox Bath Recipe with essential oils which help to release toxins from your body, and to promote the ultimate relaxation, and also soothes muscles. Please click here for my recipe. http://harmonioushealth4life.com/detox-bath-recipe-wendy-blanchard-m-s-chhc/. Also keep your favorite essential oils and essential oil diffuser readily available for calming anxiety. You can rub oils into your hands and inhale deeply 5-10 times as needed, and some you may use topically or encapsulate. I use Lavender, Joy, Orange, and Stress Away. You can find these oils and diffuser online at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_14?url=search-alias%3Dhpc&field-keywords=essential+oil+diffuser&sprefix=essential+oil+%2Caps%2C135, or at a local health food store.
- I use a yoga mat when I am meditating. You will also need a mat for doing some light exercises to get your body and muscles engaged in living again in a healthy, easy way. If you don’t have a mat available, use two bath size towels, one on top of the other so that you are comfortable. You may need to put a heavy object on the corners of the towels to keep from sliding, and remove your socks for that same reason. You can find a yoga mat online at Amazon.com, or at any sports store.
- Find some old magazines, a poster board, or any cardboard or paper that you have available, scissors, tape, glue sticks, and markers or pens to make a Vision Board! Bring your dreams and wishes to life by creating this board that you can actually visualize and meditate on each day. Manifest your destiny! Co-create your desires! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elizabeth-rider/the-scientific-reason-why_b_6392274.html.
- Light weights of 2-5 pounds, or you can use a full 16 oz. water bottle in each hand. I would begin with the lightest weight possible as you begin to rebuild. You can also try the video for “Quiet Cardio Low Impact” and you won’t need any equipment. Please Do Not Use Any Weights Or Do Any Exercises Unless You First Check With Your Healthcare Practitioner. What Works For Someone Else May Not Work For You! Be Safe!!!! Choose Your Level. If You Feel Any Pain, Do Not Continue! Click here for some suggested videos. https://youtu.be/YaJryQEsT94 https://youtu.be/vXzjjMoTR2U https://youtu.be/7x3MldKAhsw https://youtu.be/AtiFbdq03Tg
- Inspirational quotes. Read one each day to help foster hope and feel connected. Write them down and repeat throughout the day. Follow this link, inspiration for addiction recovery and follow my story at therxdiaries.com, and harmonioushealth4life.com for more hope and inspiration through a wellness recovery approach!
- Find a spiritual practice that resonates with you. Deepak Chopra is my spiritual teacher and mentor. He did a lecture where I trained as a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and I fell in love. Follow Deepak here. https://youtu.be/_gJN7I0a9XU.
- Eat healthy and organic! Check my website at blissfullyglairyfree.com for healthy, organic recipes, snacks, beverages, and homemade remedies. Take this time to phase out sugar and gluten, and work on also phasing out dairy and grains, unless organic and raw. Provide the body with an antioxidant punch and plenty of adaptogenic herbs. Read more about this here. Donna Gates is one of my favorite holistic healers and mentors. http://bodyecology.com/articles/adaptogens_how_to_eliminate_stress.php Specific flavonol antioxidants show potential for fighting inflammatory conditions which we need to manage from recovery of addiction. Eat foods such as apples, apricots, raspberries, cocoa, chocolate, blackberries, onions, red wine, and green and black teas. It is imperative to maintain a healthy, probiotic-supported digestive tract as well to see the benefits from these antioxidants which you can find at https://store.draxe.com/collections/popular-products/products/probiotics?gclid=Cj0KEQiArJe1BRDe_uz1uu-QjvYBEiQACUj6oqd2tJcMw-_ZkFZm8Jd6nxQRktFgJxfDVV4nNt7XY64aAntv8P8HAQ. Here is a relaxing, yummy recipe for Chai Tea from me to you! http://blissfullyglairyfree.com/chai-tea-relaxing-healthy-delicious-treat-wendy-blanchard-m-s-chhc/.
- Stay connected! Find one other person to stay connected to, if not more. After being discharged from rehab, be sure to immediately find a Life Transitions Coach, or Holistic Health Counselor, like myself, or any professional that you feel comfortable sharing your journey with. You must find the right fit. If you begin working with someone and it doesn’t feel right to you, move on. You know intuitively if someone is there to enhance your life. Don’t isolate. Accept suggestions and help. Accept friends and family invitations to get outside and enjoy the daylight hours as Vitamin D from the sun is vital in keeping us uplifted and balanced. Force yourself to interact and rejoin your life which is in progress ongoing. I have found the community, and in fact, globally, people willing to help guide, love, and support me in my own recovery. This Is Your Recovery! Tailor To Your Own Needs, And Enjoy The Journey!!
For more information, on my “Wellness Approach to Addiction Recovery,” and the use of encapsulating essential oils, please email me at wendyblanchard044@gmail.com, and for Holistic Health and Recovery Resources, go to my Resource page at http://harmonioushealth4life.com/resources/. For Addiction Recovery Resources, go to my Resource page at http://therxdiaries.com/resources/.
Wishing you Harmonious Health 4 Life!
Love and blessings,