Trash Your Stash and go to Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Trash Your Stash and go to Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Rates of prescription drug abuse in the United States have been climbing for years. Sometimes, individuals build up a tolerance to their medically prescribed drugs, needing more and more of them to achieve the same effects, and wind up with full-fledged addictions. Other times, people abuse prescriptions illegally to get a high that they may misconstrue as safer than that of street drugs. No matter the scenario, prescription drug abuse can cause health problems, unemployment, family destruction, financial instability and even death.
Tomorrow, April 28th, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is hosting a nationwide event called National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This event, the fourth of its kind, provides what DEA administrator Michele M. Leonhart calls “a convenient way to rid homes of unwanted or expired prescription drugs.” Many people who no longer need their painkillers may be tempted to take them if they are still in the medicine cabinet, fueling the cycle of prescription drug addiction. Alternatively, having unneeded prescription drugs in the house may make you a victim of theft when a prescription drug addict is looking for a place to get his or her next fix. National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day provides you with an opportunity to avoid these situations by taking the drugs you have around the house to designated collection sites between 10 am and 2 pm.
Unfortunately, prescription drug abuse does happen, sometimes unexpectedly. If you or someone you know has fallen victim to prescription drug dependence, you may not be able to break free of it alone. Quality drug rehab programs will be able to medically detox you from the drugs without doing further damage to your brain or body and give you the tools you need to rebuild your life. Take part in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day and spread awareness about one of our nation’s most dangerous epidemics.
Find out more about National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day and where to drop off your unwanted or unneeded prescription drugs here: