What to Expect After Leaving Rehab

sign reading "journey to recovery"

The best way to successfully overcome an addiction is to go through rehabilitation. However, as you might expect the process is far from easy when you have been dependent on drugs or alcohol for an extended period of time. What’s worse, life after rehab can be extremely difficult. As you are leaving your support system

7 Reasons Why Staying Healthy Is Fun

7 Reasons Why Staying Healthy Is Fun

To many people, with or without substance-abuse struggles, “healthy living” is the lesser of two evils. No one wants the inconvenience and danger of heart trouble; no one aspires to obesity that makes crossing the room exhausting; but when it comes to preventative wellness, we often visualize a life sentence of bland meals and monotonous

How to do an intervention for alcoholics?

A mother speaks to her son about his alcoholism

You’re worried nonstop. In fact, you’ve been worried for a very long time now. You’re so concerned that you’re finding it hard to focus on anything else. Someone you love is struggling with alcohol addiction, and you’re terrified that this problem is going to result in serious consequences. You’re also tired of enabling the behavior

What Are Some Successful Intervention Strategies?

Although addiction is a complex and chronic disease, treatment is available. Despite their circumstances and past histories, many people live happy and fulfilling lives in recovery. That said, addiction treatment typically requires a blend of various emotional and physical changes. While everyone is different with what they need, certain interventions naturally tend to have higher

The Art of Alcoholism

My friend Tall Girl and I were having an email conversation. She had just come back from New York and she was telling me about going to MOMA and seeing “her favorite Jackson Pollack” on display.I said, “People have favorite Pollocks? All those paint splotches just look the same to me. I like his dribbly

Energy Drink Addiction – Chasing the High

a view from above showing the tops of energy drink cans

Energy Drink Addiction – Chasing the High We live in a volatile time. We are a society addicted to more. Every time one turns around there is another product that has been developed with a primary goal of addicting the consumer. We hunger for the quick fix from easy weight loss without lifestyle changes or