According to Johann Hari, the author of New York Time’s bestselling book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs,” everything we have come to know about addiction is wrong. Johann Hari is one of the many people who have been affected by their loved one’s struggles with substance abuse.
How can you tell if someone is doing heroin?
Heroin is a very dangerous drug. Not only is heroin extremely addictive, it can be very risky to an individual’s life. Overdoses from heroin are becoming more and more frequent, as many drug suppliers and dealers have begun lacing heroin with fentanyl, a similar opioid with effects more than a dozen times stronger than heroin
I Can be in Recovery AND be the Mom I Always Wanted to Be
There was a time where I knew I had a problem with alcohol, but I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic. I was able to go without drinking for long periods of time, I even pretended to be a “social drinker.” It wasn’t until I’d hit a drinking binge that would last for weeks at a
How Does Meth Affect Relationships?
Crystal methamphetamine often referred to in short-form as “meth”, is a very destructive drug that has a well-deserved, negative reputation. Crystal meth is known for causing serious and sometimes irreversible damage to people physically and mentally. When people consider meth and meth users, they often focus on the damage that the individual is likely doing
How to Answer Your Loved Ones Questions About Your Alcohol Addiction
It can be hard for someone to understand your situation when they have never experienced what you have gone or are going through. With that being said, explaining addiction to someone is a wildly complicated task. When family members confront you about your alcohol addiction it can be difficult to find the right words to
How do addicts tend to behave in relationships?
Being in a close relationship with an addict can be difficult – even if you’re unaware that the person you’re seeing is addicted to drugs. Drug users are crafty and can be very good at hiding their addiction from even those who are very close to them. Unfortunately, even those drug addicts who are very
How does a drug addict think differently than a non-addict?
For someone who has never had a serious drug problem, it can be dubious about trying and understanding what’s going on in the mind of an addict. Serious drug addictions tend to change the way a person thinks, and even close family members, friends, and loved ones can behave much differently after becoming dependent on
How addictive is methamphetamine?
Methamphetamine is one of the most popular street drugs. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most dangerous and addictive. Many methamphetamine users develop serious health problems, have trouble maintaining stable lives, and put themselves at risk of developing serious addictions. A Bit About Methamphetamine Methamphetamine is considered to be a highly addictive drug that doesn’t
5 Common Myths About Addiction
Throughout the history of humanity, mind-altering substances have been used in various forms in nearly every known culture. And wherever drugs or alcohol could be found, so could problems of individuals falling prey to the pleasures of intoxication. Addiction is not a new or sudden problem in our society, and therefore, it comes with centuries
Top 7 Tips for Holding an Intervention
Watching a loved one struggle with drug and/or alcohol addiction can be frightening and painful for friends and family members. They often have to sit and watch while their loved one ruins their life, and slowly loses themselves to addiction. One of the hardest emotions to manage is the feeling of helplessness. Fortunately for loved