Healing through recovery for me has been one of the hardest but also one of the most amazing gifts that I’ve received. Before I got sober, there was no healing. No introspection, no looking at my part, and no taking time for me – none of that existed. What did exist was a lot of
Nancy is a writer and sober blogger whose work has appeared on numerous recovery and addiction websites and blogs. She also has a blog where she likes to ramble and rant about recovery, alcoholism, and life in general.
Website: http://lastcallblog.me/Nancy Carr has written 5 articles so far, you can find them below.
Kicking Off the Holiday Season with a Sober Bang!
As Halloween has come and gone, I find myself gearing up for the dreaded Holiday season. Or as some like to call it, The Bermuda Triangle of Holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. I personally didn’t care if it was Columbus Day or Christmas Day, any Holiday was good enough reason for me to drink!
What to Expect in Your First Year of Recovery
When I was getting sober there was no manual on “What to expect when you are getting sober” as much as I’d like to think there was. Instead, my new life came with a Fellowship, a blue book and a new way to live my life without drugs and alcohol. For me, during my first
Why not check out that AA meeting?
The longer I’m sober the more I realize that not a lot of people get sober via AA nor do they stay “in” the program after getting sober, and so I sometimes take on the AA spokesmodel persona and comment to someone, “Why not check out an AA meeting”. Of course I’m quite biased as
7 Things I Learned in My First Year of Recovery
I didn’t get sober on purpose. I wasn’t crawling into an AA meeting saying I can’t stop drinking, my life is horrible, I can’t stop shaking and so on. However, I couldn’t stop drinking on my own and my life was horrible and I only got the shakes a few times during my drinking career.