About Nancy Carr

Nancy is a writer and sober blogger whose work has appeared on numerous recovery and addiction websites and blogs. She also has a blog where she likes to ramble and rant about recovery, alcoholism, and life in general.

Website: http://lastcallblog.me/
Nancy Carr has written 5 articles so far, you can find them below.

How I Heal – A Personal Recovery Story

freedom waterfall

Healing through recovery for me has been one of the hardest but also one of the most amazing gifts that I’ve received.  Before I got sober, there was no healing.  No introspection, no looking at my part, and no taking time for me – none of that existed.  What did exist was a lot of

Why not check out that AA meeting?

The longer I’m sober the more I realize that not a lot of people get sober via AA nor do they stay “in” the program after getting sober, and so I sometimes take on the AA spokesmodel persona and comment to someone, “Why not check out an AA meeting”. Of course I’m quite biased as

7 Things I Learned in My First Year of Recovery

I didn’t get sober on purpose.  I wasn’t crawling into an AA meeting saying I can’t stop drinking, my life is horrible, I can’t stop shaking and  so on.  However, I couldn’t stop drinking on my own and my life was horrible and I only got the shakes a few times during my drinking career.