Heroin Dogs: Innocent Addicts

heroin dogs

Heroin Dogs: Innocent Addicts Drug dealers commonly have dogs guarding their product and their place of business, but some drug dealers in Scotland are taking extreme measures to protect their illegal business. Animal shelters there reported that dogs are being injected with heroin to make them more aggressive and are trained to attack anyone in

Chasing the Dragon: Heroin Addiction

Chasing the Dragon: Heroin Addiction According to the National Survey of Drug Abuse (NIDA) there were at least 281,000 people who received addiction treatment for heroin abuse in 2003. Heroin is fast acting, producing a powerful euphoric effect to the user. The person begins to chase the initial euphoric effects of using heroin, even though

College Students: Peer Pressure and Substance Abuse

College Students: Peer Pressure and Substance Abuse In 2001, research found that college students across the nation suffered from drug and alcohol abuse. There were 310,000 students using marijuana, 636,000 using cocaine and heroin and 1,717 unintentional deaths from alcohol related injuries. As a result, numbers have grown of parents seeking addiction treatment for their

Kava Kava: Seeking a New High?

Kava New Drug of Abuse

Kava Kava: Seeking a New High? For hundreds of years, the people of the Pacific Islands have been drinking a ceremonial tea called Kava. The ritual drink is used to foster strong kinship and to communicate with the spirits. Until recently, patterns of use were controlled by ritual, much like the Native Americans who use

Myth, Madness and Marijuana Dependence

Marijuana Dependence

Myth, Madness and Marijuana Dependence Not everyone who smokes marijuana grows addicted to this drug. Addiction to any substance is based upon a combination of factors: genetic, environmental, psychosocial, age of onset of use, and use of other drugs. Many believe that marijuana is not addictive. First, it should be noted that the marijuana available