Those who struggle with addiction know all too well the tug of cravings. They are the itch that begs to be scratched… and when one satisfies that craving, it is commonly referred to as relapse. We offer this article to provide the reader with a few options that might help in managing cravings in recovery,
Things to do Sober in the Houston Texas Area
If you are newly sober and transitioning into a life of recovery, maintaining your sobriety aside from treatment can be difficult. Even finding things to do sober can seem like a challenge. The most common triggers for people who relapse are being alone and unable to find joy in their old hobbies. Remembering that enjoying
The Scariest Things About Sobriety – 6 Fears & How to Beat Them
Right now, are you looking forward to personal life changes that are strong and positive—yet scary? When you’re fresh out of detox, the prospect of lasting sobriety can look terrifying. Will you be able to resist temptation? Will you get a reputation for weakness or prudishness? Will your friendships or career suffer? While the scares
Three Reasons Honesty In Recovery Is Important
Of all the moral characteristics, honesty is one of the most respected. It is also the spiritual principle behind step one. Many people in recovery live by the mantra “we are as sick as our secrets.” Individuals need to pay special attention to honesty in recovery because they have to be truthful to others, and
What is a Recovery Coach?
A Recovery Coach, also known as a Sober Coach, is a generic term that covers many different roles. They provide invaluable support for people trying to overcome their compulsive, obsessive, destructive behaviors. A Recovery Coach is a kind of “Life Coach” that helps clients make smart choices and healthy decisions, with the number-one priority being
A Mindful Sobriety
In recent decades, mindfulness and meditation have become popular catch-words, described as the newest pathway to healing in everything from professional journals to pop psychology columns in fashion magazines. The concept of present-centered awareness, though a component of most ancient philosophies and religions, seems to be a experiencing a heroic comeback. Why now? Is it
Dealing with the Holiday Blues
It’s ironic that the holidays are about joy, but it’s the worst time of the year for depression. If you are dealing with holiday depression, you may drink to cope. However, drowning your sorrows doesn’t work. Drinking alcohol makes depression worse. A little eggnog can make your blues even bluer. So what can you do
Balancing Careers, Addiction and Mental Health
You’ve worked hard to get where you are in your professional life. After years of school and paying your dues in your field, you have made a name for yourself and continue to climb the ladder. It’s a difficult road to get where you are, but if you are juggling addiction and mental health issues,
7 Ways to Make Your Recovery Brighter
There is a lot of guilt and self-blame in addiction. Your past is filled with bad decisions, bad situations and damaged or burnt bridges. I’m sure you have given yourself a hard time for it after you realized what drugs had you doing. But if you continue on that self-blaming road, it may be detrimental.
Five Hobbies to Pick Up In Sobriety
One of the best methods, when moving into and sustaining sobriety, is to pick up new, healthy hobbies. Not only does it help keep the mind and body busy, but it replaces dangerous habits with positive ones. However, it takes time and dedication to stick to any new habit. The common saying is it takes