The Scariest Things About Sobriety – 6 Fears & How to Beat Them

woman hiding behind glass sculpture representing her sober fears

Right now, are you looking forward to personal life changes that are strong and positive—yet scary? When you’re fresh out of detox, the prospect of lasting sobriety can look terrifying. Will you be able to resist temptation? Will you get a reputation for weakness or prudishness? Will your friendships or career suffer? While the scares

What is a Recovery Coach?

woman and her recovery coach sitting by a campfire in the woods

A Recovery Coach, also known as a Sober Coach, is a generic term that covers many different roles. They provide invaluable support for people trying to overcome their compulsive, obsessive, destructive behaviors. A Recovery Coach is a kind of “Life Coach” that helps clients make smart choices and healthy decisions, with the number-one priority being

A Mindful Sobriety

Yoga - Tree Pose

In recent decades, mindfulness and meditation have become popular catch-words, described as the newest pathway to healing in everything from professional journals to pop psychology columns in fashion magazines. The concept of present-centered awareness, though a component of most ancient philosophies and religions, seems to be a experiencing a heroic comeback. Why now? Is it

Dealing with the Holiday Blues

It’s ironic that the holidays are about joy, but it’s the worst time of the year for depression. If you are dealing with holiday depression, you may drink to cope. However, drowning your sorrows doesn’t work. Drinking alcohol makes depression worse. A little eggnog can make your blues even bluer. So what can you do