When I first read through Step 11, I thought “I’m not going to do that.” I remember thinking there’s no way I’ll be able to sit still long enough to meditate, and having a Higher Power wasn’t a priority because I was in such dismay and pain. Honestly, I just wasn’t in the mood to
Step 11 Overview
We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. Step 11 is not only a maintenance step, but a step rooted in growth. By practicing it daily, we allow ourselves to
Marriage, Fatherhood, and Recovery: It’s Not Always Easy
Marriage in and of itself is not always easy, let alone when you throw addiction in the mix. When my wife and I met, it was also the beginning of a very nasty relationship with opiates. I had been using at this point for nearly ten years, and my use was all over the map.
The Lifestyle of Recovery
For many who are dependent on alcohol and other substances, lifestyle blocks our recovery. It is easy to see the problem when we have a bad lifestyle: living with an abusive partner, hanging out with drug-dealing and drug-seeking friends, or going to bars with old friends just to prove that we can have a soft
Protect Recovery from Addiction during the Holiday Season
The holiday season kicks off this week with Thanksgiving. It is the time of year that many long for as food and drinks are the norm. For people who are in recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol the holidays often come with plenty of triggers and pressure. Family, stress, and holiday work parties have
Facing Grief and Loss in Recovery
I remember I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of a One Stop gas station when Mom called to tell me my grandfather, who I affectionately called Papa, had passed away. As if the initial shock wasn’t enough, she said he had passed away three days prior to her telling me. I
Practicing Step Ten – A Daily Reprieve
Step 10 is incredibly important for me and my recovery. It’s a daily reprieve helping me to keep my side of the street clean and preventing resentments from building up over time. It provides balance to my life and takes the ego and pride out of things. If we can’t keep looking at ourselves, we
Working Step 10: Inner Peace and a Level of Acceptance
I’ve been told Step 10 is one of the “maintenance steps” in the program. Personally, I don’t want to settle for maintaining my recovery, but rather I want to be constantly growing. Step 10 states we “continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong we promptly admit it.” What that means to me
Dating and Courtship in Recovery
“Avoid all romantic relationships for the first year of recovery” is a phrase most of us in 12 Step programs hear pretty frequently. The top two things that “take people out” are relationships and resentments. When someone gets sober they may think, “This is it! I have my alcohol and drug problem out of the
My Sponsor Overdosed, But Let’s Start From The Beginning
I entered into treatment in December 2015 – it was my mother’s birthday. I spent 42 days at an in-patient facility in Georgia – that’s how I met Shea. He was on the kitchen staff and we became friends through competitive games of ping-pong. When I completed my stay, I hesitantly transitioned to a halfway