

The Arkansas state page provides you with a quick overview of issues relating to drug and alcohol addiction, Arkansas drug statistics and AR drug rehab centers.

It should be noted that these Arkansas drug statistics are not intended as an academic reference. The data collected is from State and Federal sources.

Arkansas Addiction Treatment Statistics

SAMHSA's NSSATS 2010 Arkansas state profile revealed that 62 substance abuse treatment facilities had 3,939 individuals enrolled for treatment that year.

33 substance abuse facilities' primary focus was substance abuse treatment with 1,785 individuals enrolled for treatment. 14 centers had a primary focus of mixed substance abuse and mental health problems with 1,444 people enrolled. (2010 NSSATS)

53 facilities treated 2,024 individuals suffering from both alcohol and drug abuse. 53 substance abuse treatment centers treated 1, 350 persons for drug abuse only while 49 treatment centers serviced 562 people suffering from alcohol abuse only. (2010 NSSATS)

Alcohol Addiction in Arkansas

In 2010, there were 176 alcohol-related fatalities. (AR SCS)

SAMHSA's TEDS reported that in 2011, less than 305 individuals per 100,000 were admitted to treatment for alcohol abuse as the primary drug of choice.

According to the NSDUH Behavioral Health Barometers (BHB) 2014 Arkansas state profile, 124,000 individuals aged 12 or older in any given year between 2009-2013 were dependent on or abused alcohol. 132,000 adults aged 21 or older reported heavy alcohol drinking between 2012-2013. (BHB)

Commonly Abused Drugs in Arkansas

Arkansas ranked 25th in drug overdose in 2013. 12.5 persons per 100,000. (TEDS)

In 2013, about 70,000 individuals were dependent on or abused illicit drugs. (BHB)

A single day count in 2013 found 5,927 individuals enrolled in substance abuse treatment. Of that number, 53% sought treatment for alcohol and drug abuse, 31.3% were enrolled for drug abuse only while 15.7% received treatment for alcohol abuse only.

Between 2005-2013, the number of people receiving treatment for illicit drugs in Arkansas was higher than the national average. About 78.5% percent of those abusing illicit drugs during 2005-2013 never received treatment. (BHB)

During 2011, less than 123 people per 100,000 entered treatment for marijuana addiction as the primary drug of choice. One in four persons in Arkansas between 18-25 smoked marijuana during 2013. Marijuana was among the top three drug possession arrests. (AR State Legislature Report 2014)

Amphetamine abuse is a growing problem in Arkansas. In 2008, 4,334 individuals were admitted to drug rehab for treatment of amphetamine amphetamine addiction. This figure does not include the growing numbers of individuals who are succumbing to methamphetamine addiction. In 2009, 10% of all treatment cases were for methamphetamine abuse.

prescription-drugs-thumbnailPrescription Drugs
In 2011, 36-77 individuals per 100,000 were admitted to treatment for prescription drug addiction. According to the Arkansas Drug Control Update, between 2010-2011, Arkansas ranked among the top ten states for non-medical pain reliever abuse among people 12 years of age and older.

Cocaine abuse in Arkansas is below the national average but it is high among people ages 18-25 according to a 2007 government report.


There was a drop in the number of people entering treatment for cocaine as the primary addiction between 2009 and 2011 (TEDS). Cocaine is the most commonly used drug with heroin.

Arkansas Drug Statistics, Alcohol Fatalities, Injuries and Drug Court Statistics

  • The Arkansas State Crash Summary for 2010 reported that there 261 alcohol/drug related fatalities in 2010.
  • There were 4,086 alcohol/drug-related crashes in 2010. (AR SCS)
  • 9 out of 72 total boating accidents involved alcohol/drugs as a contributing or primary factor; 3 of those accidents were fatal.
  • There are 79 drug court programs in Arkansas. 43 adult drug courts, 13 juvenile drug courts, 9 DWI, 5 swift, 3 veterans drug court, 1 Hope court, 4 domestic violence courts, 2 mental health, 1 smarter sentencing court and 1 misdemeanor drug court. There were 2,312 participants in adult drug court in 2013. 87% remained drug-free upon completing the drug court program compared to 50% on probation.
  • In 2013, the top criminal offense for admissions to the AR DOC was for controlled substances/narcotics violations.

Arkansas Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources

Looking For Treatment?

Tired of being addicted to drugs and alcohol? Do you want to get your life back? Call Recovery Connection at 866.812.8231 and speak find an alcohol and drug rehab to address you particular needs. Help is available and addiction is treatable. Don’t wait another minute, call now. All calls are confidential.

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