
The Ohio state page provides you with a quick overview of issues relating to drug and alcohol addiction, drug statistics in Ohio, and OH drug rehab centers.

It should be noted that Ohio drug statistics are not intended as an academic reference. The data collected is from State and Federal sources.

Ohio Addiction Treatment Statistics

The 2010 government NSSATS reported 373 substance abuse facilities in Ohio.

According to SAMHSA's Behavioral Health Barometer for 2014, during 2009-2013, approximately 683,00 individuals (12 years of age and older) abused substances in Ohio.

According to CASA Columbia University (2009), Ohio spends 2 cents of every dollar on substance abuse prevention and 90 cents of every dollar on consequences of substance abuse.

Alcohol Addiction in Ohio

The Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services reported that 18.4% of adults over the age of 19 were binge drinkers or 1.5 million individuals in 2010.

The Center for Disease Control found that deaths in Ohio involving a drunk driver was above the national average in almost every age bracket except 0-20. Of those figures 5.5% per 100,000 were
male (the national average was 5.2) and 1.6 per 100,000 were female (the national average was 1.5.)

Nearly 51 % of all fatal crashes involving alcohol occurred between 8 PM and 4 AM. Nearly 30% of all alcohol-related crashes involved the death of young adults 21-30 years of age. (Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services 2005-2009)

Commonly Abused Drugs in Ohio

During the years 2009-2013, 286,000 Ohio residents 12 years and older were dependent upon or abused illicit drugs. That figure does not reflect the number of individuals who abused prescription drugs.

An increase in deaths involving benzodiazepines increased from 212 individuals in 2009 to 329 deaths in 2013. Finally, it is estimated by the Ohio Department of Health that in 2013, 57% of overdose deaths involved more than one drug.

A 2010 Supreme Court of Ohio report illustrated the growth of drug courts throughout the state totaling 74.

In the National Drug Threat Survey of 2011 for Ohio, found that cocaine remained the drug most often associated with violent crime.


The Ohio Department of Health reported that heroin-related deaths had outpaced those of prescription opiate unintentional deaths. Heroin deaths rose from 679 in 2012 to 983 in 2013. According to the 2011 Department of Justice report, Ohio has become a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, especially for Mexican heroin. This increase in activity accounts for the rise in the heroin admissions to substance abuse facilities as well the increase in heroin-related crimes.

Between 1995 and 2009, the highest drug possession arrest rate was for marijuana. The Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services 2010 report indicated that 351,277 lbs of marijuana were seized at a estimated street value of $1,200 per unit of measure.

prescription-drugs-thumbnailPrescription Drugs
The Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network (January 2015) reported that prescription opioids were highly available through all regions of Ohio. No “typical” profile of an illicit prescription opioid abuser emerged. The typical illicit user was “everybody.” Prescription opioid users tend to combine drugs with alcohol and benzodiazepines.

Ohio Drug and Alcohol Fatalities, Injuries and Criminal Justice Statistics

In a news release by the Ohio Department of Health, the agency reported that in 2013, 2,110 unintentional drug overdose deaths occurred. Opiates ( including heroin) and prescription painkillers accounted for more than 70 percent of overdose death.

The Ohio Department of Health's 2014 Violence and Injury Prevention Program report indicated that the rate of drug poisoning in 1999 was 4 per 100,000 rose to 19 per 100,000 in 2012.

 ODH data demonstrates a frightening increase starting in 2007 and sharply increasing in 2009 in deaths from unintentional drug overdoses exceeding motor vehicle traffic crashes as the leading cause of injury death in the state. Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics

Ohio Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources

Looking For Treatment?

If you are tired of living a drug addicted life, or being a slave to alcohol, then Recovery Connection can help. Whatever your questions about addiction or treatment we can help. Call now and speak with a trained coordinator at 866.812.8231. Take back your life today.

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