Wyoming Substance Abuse Statistics
The Wyoming state page provides you with a quick overview of issues relating to drug and alcohol addiction, Wyoming drug statistics, and WY drug rehab centers.
It should be noted that these Wyoming drug statistics are not intended as an academic reference. The data collected is from State and Federal sources.
Wyoming Addiction Treatment Statistics
According to the latest statistics on addiction treatment admissions in Wyoming in 2010, there were 6,072 people who entered treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. Of that number, 67.5% of this group of individuals was males and 31.8% were females.
Over the last 20 years there has been a marked increase in marijuana and
There were 57 drug and alcohol rehabs in Wyoming as of 2006. 16 facilities offered residential care and 2 facilities were certified to treat opioid addiction.Over the last 20 years there has been a marked increase in marijuana and methamphetamine addiction.
Wyoming has among the highest rates for alcohol abuse and dependence in the nation but among the lowest for illicit drug abuse according to a 2006 report, though it should be noted that in the intervening years, prescription drug abuse has exploded nationally. The highest number of unmet treatment needs falls within the category of alcohol dependence.
Alcohol Addiction in Wyoming
Between 2006 and 2008, it was estimated that approximately 23% of all alcohol sold in the state was sold to underage drinkers. Wyoming’s youth, according to a state report on crime and alcohol in Wyoming, indicated that teens lead the country in binge drinking as well as driving after drinking.
There were 2,176 people in 2010 which entered addiction treatment for alcohol dependence. There were an additional 1,738 people who were admitted into treatment for alcohol dependence with a secondary drug of abuse.
Commonly Abused Drugs in Wyoming
Marijuana ranked first among those who entered treatment for addiction as the most commonly abused drug. Marijuana was followed by stimulants including methamphetamine and opiates other than heroin.
People entering drug addiction treatment most often entered citing marijuana abuse. 1,010 people received treatment, while 74.2% were male and 24.8 % were female.
Other Opiates
Amphetamine abuse caused 687 individuals to enter drug rehabs in 2010.The next most common drug of abuse was that of opiates other than heroin. In this category, 270 people were admitted for addiction. Finally, cocaine, whether smoked, snorted, injected etc. caused 75 people to enter drug addiction treatment.
Wyoming Drug and Alcohol Fatalities, Injuries and Drug Court Statistics
- Meth lab seizures have gone down significantly since 2003 where there were 26 seizures compared to 5 seizures in 2007. In 2009, Wyoming was among only a few states that had no meth lab seizures.
- Three out of four arrests during 2006-2008 involved alcohol.
- In 2007, 68 people died from drug use compared to 134 people who died in motor vehicle accidents and 76 people who died because of firearm incidents. Wyoming’s figures for deaths were 13 per 100,000 compared to the national average of 12.7 per 100,000.
- People admitted for meth addiction was significantly higher than the national average: U.S. at 6.3% compared to Wyoming at 11.2 %.
- From 2006 to 2008, 4 in 10 fatal motor vehicle accidents were alcohol related and 4 in 10 violent victimizations involved alcohol.
Wyoming Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources
- Alcoholics Anonymous (go to the AA main page, click on find a meeting, follow link to state pages, click on Wyoming)
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Alanon and Alateen Family Group
Looking For Treatment?
If you are suffering from substance abuse and you need help finding a treatment program to fit your physical and psychological needs, Recovery Connection can help you find a quality treatment program. Call 866-812-8231 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and speak with a trained coordinator today. They can answer most questions about treatment and addiction. All calls are confidential.
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