7 Things I Learned in My First Year of Recovery

I didn’t get sober on purpose.  I wasn’t crawling into an AA meeting saying I can’t stop drinking, my life is horrible, I can’t stop shaking and  so on.  However, I couldn’t stop drinking on my own and my life was horrible and I only got the shakes a few times during my drinking career. 

Why not check out that AA meeting?

The longer I’m sober the more I realize that not a lot of people get sober via AA nor do they stay “in” the program after getting sober, and so I sometimes take on the AA spokesmodel persona and comment to someone, “Why not check out an AA meeting”. Of course I’m quite biased as

How I Heal – A Personal Recovery Story

freedom waterfall

Healing through recovery for me has been one of the hardest but also one of the most amazing gifts that I’ve received.  Before I got sober, there was no healing.  No introspection, no looking at my part, and no taking time for me – none of that existed.  What did exist was a lot of

Recovery Work Starts With Finding The Self

We know that an addiction is used by an individual to avoid something that is unwanted.  The unwanted is related to interpretations and perceptions each client experiences.  These include feelings as well as consequences resulting from choices made, relationships formed, and losses incurred.  The focus in recovery work assists the client with facing and transforming

9 Ways You Can Help Your Therapist


Are you in therapy or thinking about beginning? Sometimes life presents challenging circumstances, ideas, preferences and feelings; many can be addressed in therapy. It will be especially worth your while if you have undergone some major life events like divorce, other significant loss, illness or lifestyle change. Some people use psychotherapy to understand themselves and

What is Rock Bottom?

I write a sobriety blog, so people ask me all the time, “What was your rock bottom? What happened to make you quit drinking?” I’m pretty sure they expect a story that involves waking in a hotel room in Nassau with no recollection of having boarded a plane, or crawling battered from a muddy ditch

Holiday Sober Gift Giving

When I was in college, I had a boyfriend whose family owned an enormous above ground mushroom farm. It seemed, while walking through their rambling family farmhouse, that everyone they had ever known had given them gifts that pertained to mushrooms, toadstools or any facsimile thereof. There were tea-cozy mushrooms, bar stools shaped like morels,